Chronic Illness Uncovered: Lyme Disease, Viral Pathogens, Morgellons, Mould & More…
The follow are a series of presentations given at the AONM conference on 14 May 2017.
DR. JESS P. ARMINE (via live video link)
Brain Inflammation: Effects of Mould and Mycotoxins
Dr. Armine will explain the mechanisms involved in chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS), the effects of mould and mycotoxins, and the interaction of mast cells and microglia to activate inflammation of the brain.
Testing for Lyme Disease
Professor Gilbert will guide us through the most up-to-date testing technologies, including TickPlex – the antibody screening test to be introduced this May.
DR. JOSEPH JEMSEK (via live video link)
Major Reasons for Lyme Borreliosis Complex (LBC) Treatment Resistance or Relapse at Jemsek Specialty Clinic
Dr. Jemsek will outline the reasons behind resistance to treatment, as well as take extensive Q&As.
Chronic Pain and persistent infec1ons – a new diagnos1c and therapeu1c concept
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD PhD is the lead physician at the Sophia Health Institute in Washington (Seattle), and founder of The Klinghardt Institute in the UK. He has written three textbooks and numerous articles and book chapters. He is internationally renowned for his work with patients with chronic illness, particularly neurological and neurodevelopmental conditions.
Morgellons Disease: Our Current Understanding
Dr. Savely, a world renowned expert in the illness, will discuss in detail the symptoms of Morgellons Disease, objective findings, theories on its etiology as well as treatment options available. Dr. Savely is considered to be one of the top experts in the United States on the diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases and Morgellons disease.
Tick-Borne Diseases and Viruses in Cancer and Unexplained Syndromes
Dr. Schwarzbach will discuss the role of tick borne diseases and viruses in cancer and unexplained syndromes.