IPM 2024 Presentation

The Integrative and Personalised Medicine Congress 2024 incorporated three conferences over three days; Whole-person Health conference, Integrative Mental Health conference and the College of Medicine ‘Food on Prescription’ conference. Featuring high profile speakers from across the globe, the conferences highlighted the benefits of taking an integrative whole-person approach to health, incorporating clinical experience with the latest evidence-based research and knowledge. AONM along with their trusted and long standing partner Arminlabs exhibited over the whole three days.

On Friday 7th June Dr. Armin Schwarzbach, Managing Director and CEO of Arminlabs (Augsburg – Germany) gave a very informative and extremely well attended workshop:

‘The Best Testing Strategies for Pathogens’

In the presentation Dr. Schwarzbach spoke about the unique benefits of using T-cells to detect chronic infection. Most health systems the world over rely on immunoglobulin testing: using the other arm of the immune system, T-cells or ‘EliSpots’, is a highly specialised technique for detecting cellular responses that do not occur in the absence of the pathogen.

ArminLabs is one of the most highly certified laboratories in the world for pathogen detection both in Europe and the USA, and Dr Schwarzbach will be highlighting the advantages his lab’s testing can provide in chronic illness, especially post COVID.

You can access Dr. Schwarzbachs remarkable presentation here: