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AONM Newsletter March 2025
► 1. The stealth threat of antiphospholipid antibodies
► 2. Unparalleled line-up of webinars
► 3. Moleculera’s CEO speaking at the IPM Summit
► 4. Brief history of NutraMedix
► 5. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter November 2024
► 1. A unifying hypothesis for M.E.?
► 2. BSEM’s 40th: Unravelling Brain Health
► 3. Through the Looking Glass on Long Covid
► 4. Ecological Approach to Infections
► 5. Long Covid-19 Foundation’s activities
► 6. Therapies for KPU and the mitochondria
► 7. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter August 2024
► 1. Herpes viruses and vascular function/blood flow
► 2. The mysteries of KPU
► 3. Microbes and Mental Illness
► 4. Highlights of fascinating events ahead
► 5. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter Spring 2024
► 1. Inspiring Long Covid research with M.E. cross-over potential
► 2. New AONM test: KPU
► 3. Parasite testing with AONM
► 4. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter December 2023
► 1. “Pioneer” Award to our mitochondrial lab director
► 2. Neuroinflammation continues to rise post-COVID
► 3. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter August 2023
► 1. New insights into neuromodulation in Long COVID
► 2. Mitochondrial stress test via fingerprick
► 3. Food hypersensitivity and the histamine connection
► 4. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter April 2023
► 1. PANDAS on the rise due to the increase in group A strep infections
► 2. Spotlight on Mycotoxins
► 3. May is Lyme Disease Month
► 4. New Mitochondrial Tests
► 5. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter December 2022
► 1. Post-COVID and Viral Reactivation
► 2. The overlaps between Post-COVID-19 and Lyme Disease
► 3. Spotlight on AONM’s new Post-COVID Viral Reactivation Panels
► 4. AONM Shop
► 5. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter June 2022
► 1. Biolab’s Long Covid Day – an inspiring spectrum of insights and research
► 2. Spotlight on AONM’s new
Mitochondrial Health Index
► 3. Summary of our recent
Mitochondrial Webinar Series
► 4. Obituary: Dr. Charles Ray Jones
► 5. AONM Shop
► 6. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter January 2022
► 1. The devastation of CD16+ monocytes in Long-COVID
► 2. New tests for mitochondrial function
► 3. PANS/PANDAS Conference: Autoimmune Encephalopathy Secondary to Infectious Disease
► 4. Book reviews
► Toxic Legacy by Prof. Stephanie Seneff
► Chronic: The Hidden Cause of the Auto-immune Pandemic by Drs. Steven Phillips & Dana Parish
► 5. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter September 2021
► 1. SARS-CoV-2 and the Mitochondria
► 2. New study on herbal remedies for Bartonella
► 3. Mitochondria Day – In-depth insights into these most mysterious orchestrators of our cells
► 4. UKMFA: A vital network of medical professionals and other experts in the fields of science and medicine
► 5. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter April 2021
► 1. Revisiting AONM’s recent exciting
The Cranial Connection
► 2. What are syncytia, and should
we be worried about them?
► 3. The magnanimity of innate immunity
► 4. COVID iSpot: Testing for cellular
immune responses and possible immunity
► 5. New book: Understanding Myalgic
► 6. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter November 2020
► 1. Discovering our inner Internet
► 2. SARS-CoV-2 – why immunity is about
more than antibodies
► 3. A new Lyme test using the innate immune
system: the Lyme iSpot
► 4. New books: Dr. Jodie Dashore, “Biotoxin
Illness”, Dr. Byron Hyde, “The Return of
Polio to the USA”, and Dr. Sarah Myhill,
“Ecological Medicine”
► 5. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter June 2020
► 1. Taking a fresh lens to COVID-19
– Why is it particularly affecting those with MetSyn/diabetes?
– Is it using a bacteria as a Trojan horse?
► 2. HHV-6/-7
– HHV-6: Targeting our cells’ energy reserves, the mitochondria
– Elispots now available from ArminLabs, a world first
► 3. COVID-19 Webinar Series Summary
► 4. Upcoming events
– Events of affiliated organisations
AONM Newsletter February 2020
► 1. AONM 2019 Annual Conference: Review of
“Mast Cells, Mould, and the Myriad of Diverse
Factors Underlying Chronic Ill Health”
► 2. Exciting news from our regular speakers
2a. Dr. Judy Mikovits’ new book: “Plague of
Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of
2b. Dr. Joseph Jemsek totally vindicated after
fighting a lonely battle for 13 years.
► 3. GI Borreliosis – Bell’s Palsy of the Gut
► 4. Deep dive into the mitochondria – exciting
conference ahead
► 5. A future without ME
► 6. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter September 2019
► 1. EMFs: The potentiation of Borrelia and
other pathogens
► 2. Interview with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt:
“Retroviruses as a key underlying driver of
chronic disease”
► 3. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter May 2019
► 1. ME – Biomarkers, and the New Paralytic Polios
► 2. Lyme News – Relapsing Fever and Dementia
► 3. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter February 2019
1. AONM Annual Conference 2018: Review of “Pathogen-triggered neuropsychiatric disorders”
2.How pernicious are Enteroviruses?: Echovirus
3. Upcoming Events
AONM Newsletter October 2018
► 1. PANS/PANDAS UK 2018
► 2. AONM’s upcoming conference:
Bursting the Bubble: Challenging the
Misconceptions and Misdiagnoses of
Neuropsychiatric and Pathogen-
Triggered Disorders
► 3. COXSACKIE: Doing damage to
our very core: the energy delivery
mechanisms of our heart?
► 4. Upcoming events
AONM Newsletter August 2018
– Report on AONM’s groundbreaking May conference
– PANS/PANDAS UK Conference at Imperial
– Evidence for homeopathy presented at the Royal Society of Medicine
– Cerebrospinal fluid leaks: an unrecognised driver of many neuropathies
– Dr. Judy Mikovits: Article – Retroviruses:
– Jenna Luché-Thayer: Tick-Borne Disease
April 2018
- PANS/PANDAS: Infection-induced autoimmune disorders: The tip of an iceberg?
- AONM: Now representatives for the Cunningham Panel
- CANCER UPDATE: How Precision Medicine is Changing Cancer Therapy: Workshop with experts from multiple fields
- NEW ARMINLABS TESTS: New viral, parasite and immune system tests available
- NICE Guidelines: New guidelines for Lyme now completed
- Upcoming Events
October 2017
- Lyme and other Chronic Pathologies:
– The International Conference on Chronic Pathologies in Antwerp
– Articles by Dr. Armin Schwarzbach and AONM’s Juliet Hayward/reviewed by Prof. Puri “In Focus” on Lyme Disease
– NICE draft guidance on Lyme Disease - ME update:
– The End ME/CFS Project The OMF’s August Community Symposium
– Breaking news: NICE updating its guidelines on ME - New developments at Arminlabs and AONM:
– New Elispots/New YouTube channel - Upcoming Events
June 2017
- May Conference: Chronic Illness Uncovered
- 12th Invest in ME Conference
- Upcoming Events
April 2017
- Morgellans Disease: A devastating and much misunderstood disease
- Upcoming Events
March 2017
- Lyme Disease updates: The latest on LD andrelated conditions from international experts in Athlone, Ireland
- EpCAMs: New alliance with Maintrac in Bayreuth, Germany
- ME updates: Could pyruvate be the clue?
- Tickplex:New antibody screening tests
- Upcoming Events
September 2016
- ME: PACE Trial dismantled
- Study by Dr. Richard Naviaux reveals ME to be a hypometabolic response
- New AONM services
- Upcoming Events
December 2015
- Lyme News
- Lifting the Veil II
- Dr Ray Perrin Practitioner Meeting
- Lifting the Veil III – announcement
- Fight Lyme Now Campaign
- Upcoming Events
November 2015
- Lyme: Antwerp Conference with Dr. Richard Horowitz
- Neuroimmune Disease: Autism Solutions with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
- Mitochondria: Sixth Congress of the World Mitochondria Society
- Cancer: Development and Detection
- Upcoming Events
June 2015
- Contents of the DVDs of the ACUMEN seminar
- ME: IIMEC10 Invest in ME: 10th Annual Conference
- Lyme Disease: Integrative Medicine Approaches in Treatment of Lyme and Tick-borne Illness, Holland, with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
- Cancer: The Ketogenic Diet in practice, Dr. Damien Downing
- Upcoming Events
April 2015
- Lifting the Veil: Infectious Pathogens and Their Role in Chronic Disease
- Charity events at the conference
- BSIO Talk: Detecting Cancer
- Getting FITT with Far Infrared
- Upcoming Events
January 2015
- Fighting for a voice: Lyme goes to the heart of Westminster
- Book Review: Detecting Cancer. Gaining Time: To Prevent or Recover from Cancer, by Dr. Xandria Williams
- Spotlight on lab markers
- Sheep Dip Survivors Meeting at the House of Commons
- The physiological role of muscle and the science behind high-intensity strength training
- Upcoming Events