PANDAS/PANS Conference May 2018
PANDAS/PANS & Associated Disorders
On 12 May 2018 AONM held a conference exploring PANDAS/PANS and other brain disorders that can be incorrectly diagnosed as mental illness when actually caused by infectious agents. Our experts presented current testing methods and available treatments. They also presented and analysed a number of case studies of patients, the advantages of using certain biomarkers, the reason these are selected and the information they provide for both the professionals and parents. Please find below the visual presentation provided at the time. The recording of the day is available by contacting the Academy of Nutritional Medicine on 03331 210 305.
Dr. Craig Shimasaki
President & CEO Moleculera Labs, Inc.PANDAS/PANS & Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Science Basics for Parents and Patients. Could an infection be causing your child’s symptoms?
PANS and PANDAS are infection-induced autoimmune conditions that disrupt a patient’s normal neurologic functioning, resulting in a sudden onset of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and/or motor tics. PANS and PANDAS can include a variety of other symptoms, such as anorexia (food restrictions), anxiety, irritability, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, mood swings, depression, hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating, behavioural regression and urinary problems.
Dr. Craig Shimasaki is a scientist with over 33 years of clinical diagnostic and therapeutic R&D experience, starting his career at Genentech. During his tenure he has been involved in the research, development and clinical testing of neuropsychiatric drugs and diagnostics, genetic testing for predisposition to non-familial breast cancer, a gp-120 HIV vaccine, and influenza and RSV diagnostics and therapeutics. He co-founded Moleculera Labs with Dr. Madeleine Cunningham, an autoimmune neurobiology clinical laboratory based upon her 20+ years of research on infection-triggered autoimmune disorders.
His focus has been to translate basic research discoveries into acutely needed medical products for patients who need them. He has led five clinical diagnostic tests through FDA approval process and is a co-inventor on several medical and diagnostic patents. Dr. Shimasaki is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Oklahoma. He has authored and edited two books – The Business of Bioscience: What Goes Into Making a Biotechnology Product and Biotechnology Entrepreneurship: Starting, Managing and Leading Biotech Companies.
Dr Elena Frid
Unraveling Mysteries of Neuropsychiatric DisordersBIOGRAPHY
Dr. Elena Frid is a Board Certified Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist specializing in Infections Induced Autoimmune Disorders. With clinical interests in the Autoimmune Neurology, she sees patients (children and adults) with complex cases of Lyme disease and co-infections resulting in various neurological complaints.
Her many areas of expertise are: General Neurology, Headaches & Migraines, as well as sub-clinical focus in Autoimmune Neurology, Neuropsychiatric and Neurodegenerative Disorders. Using cutting edge diagnostic tools and clinical expertise she differentiates between idiopathic vs organic causes of various neurological disorders. Her knowledge has been sought by patients from all over the United States, as well as Canada and Europe.
Dr. Frid attended a coveted BA/MD program at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) and went on to North Shore-LIJ Health Care Systems (currently Northwell) where she completed residency in Neurology and fellowship in Clinical Neurophysiology (EMG / EEG).
Dr. Frid is a member of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). She is a voting member of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), Medical Adviser to Project Lyme – a non for profit organization, Vice President of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Alumni Association, and a member of the Independent Physicians of New York (IDNY).
Upon request from families, Dr. Frid frequently collaborates on complex pediatric cases of Neuro Lyme with Dr. Charles Ray Jones, a world leading pediatric Lyme disease specialist with over 40 year career experience in dealing with children with Lyme disease and other Tick Borne Illnesses.