Lifting the Veil III – Stepping Outside the Box

Human Brain

This conference addressed important questions on chronic disease by stepping and thinking “outside the box”.

Chaired by Dr. Judy Mikovits, our panel of internationally renowned speakers explain how chronic disease is a result of the complex interactions between pathogens, our environment, genes and immune system. To understand more from the different speakers we are making their power-point presentations freely available. The conference video is be available for purchase for those who are interested.

Keynote speaker and Chair, Dr. Judy Mikovits

To view her presentation click here



Professor Malcolm Hooper

To view his presentation click here


Dr. Joseph Jemsek

To view his presentation click here


Dr. Alan MacDonald (via video link)

For his video presentation click here


Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

To view his presentation click here


Dr. Marjo Valonen

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