No, it is not necessary to fast for ArminLabs tests.
Please do not store ArminLabs samples in the fridge. The samples must be kept at room temperature.
ArminLabs samples do not require a centrifuge.
Please email a list of the test numbers to and we will be happy to check and advise.
1x Serum (orange lid) is used for any and all tests which require serum.
3x CPDA (yellow) is used for any and all tests which require CPDA (Elispot).
1-2x EDTA (purple) is used for tests #2a, #2b, #45, #52, and some test panels.
1x Heparin (green) is used for tests #2a and #2b.
If you would like to confirm which tubes you need to fill please email a list of the test numbers to
If you are ordering tests from the Additional Tests Order Form, an extra serum may be required.