The information on this webpage and these webinars is intended for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with regards to any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a health care regimen. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice because of information you have read or seen on this website. The opinions stated in these webinars are those of the people speaking and not necessarily of AONM.

Dr. Lee Cowden

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Unlocking the power of Nutramedix

Dr. Sarah Myhill

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Mitochondria, Not Hypochondria with Dr. Sarah Myhill

Prof. Leona Gilbert

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

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How ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 15189 are Revolutionising Lyme Disease Testing

Gilian Crowther MA

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The Mysteries of KPU Part II

Prof Dr. Brigitte König

Gilian Crowther MA

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The Mitochondria and Chronic Health Conditions

Prof. Leona Gilbert

Prof. Stephen M. Croucher

Dr. Teo Susnjak

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Decoding Lyme Disease: How AI is Shaping Our Understanding of Tick-borne Illnesses

Prof. Leona Gilbert

Dr. Stanley J. Naides

Dr. Laura Gillim

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Advancing Research in Gestational Lyme Disease: Biobank Establishment and Study Development

Professor Gilbert is Editor of Borrelia Burgdorferi – Methods and Protocols. “Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Borrelia burgdorferi: Methods and Protocols encompasses a wide range of techniques and caters to scientists from various disciplines and career stages, such as cell and molecular biologists, statisticians, and clinical researchers.” (

Gilian Crowther MA

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The Mysteries of Kryptopyrroluria (KPU)

Prof. Robert Bransfield

Dr. Rosalie Greenberg

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Dr. Charlotte Mao

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Microbes and Mental Illness: Past, Present, and Future

Professor John Lambert

Dr. Minha Rajput-Ray

Professor Leona Gilbert

Mr. Kunal Garg

Expert Panel Roundtable: Advancements in CD Cell, Lyme, and Coinfection Research

Note: Presentation slides are unavailable for the time being due to research papers being submitted for publication

Professor Gilbert is Editor of Borrelia Burgdorferi – Methods and Protocols. “Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Borrelia burgdorferi: Methods and Protocols encompasses a wide range of techniques and caters to scientists from various disciplines and career stages, such as cell and molecular biologists, statisticians, and clinical researchers.” (

Prof. Craig Shimasaki

The Autoimmune Brain Panel™ & Neurological Symptoms

Dr. Nancy O’Hara

Demystifying PANS/PANDAS Part 2, with Extended Q&As

Professor Gilbert is Editor of Borrelia Burgdorferi – Methods and Protocols. “Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Borrelia burgdorferi: Methods and Protocols encompasses a wide range of techniques and caters to scientists from various disciplines and career stages, such as cell and molecular biologists, statisticians, and clinical researchers.” (

Professor Leona Gilbert

Kunal Garg

Dr. Fajardo-Yamamoto

Dr. Gisell García-Bretón

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Revolutionizing Lyme Disease Management: Predictive Modelling and Diagnostic Innovations Unveiled

Professor Gilbert is Editor of Borrelia Burgdorferi – Methods and Protocols. “Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Borrelia burgdorferi: Methods and Protocols encompasses a wide range of techniques and caters to scientists from various disciplines and career stages, such as cell and molecular biologists, statisticians, and clinical researchers.” (

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

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From Detection to Treatment: Exploring Viral Testing, Reactivation, and Therapy

Dr. Nancy O’Hara

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Demystifying PANS/PANDAS: A Functional Medicine Guide on Basal Ganglia Encephalitis

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

Dr. Sarah Myhill

Professor Leona Gilbert

Zhaneta Misho

Gilian Crowther MA

Decemeber Roundtable – Delving deeper on testing, therapies and management strategies for chronic infections

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

Dr. Sarah Myhill

Professor Leona Gilbert

Zhaneta Misho

Gilian Crowther MA

Aonm Roundtable Discussion on testing, therapies and management strategies for chronic infections

Dr. Rob Verkerk & Meleni Aldridge

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Reset Eating: Taking Control of Your Health by Turning Food into Powerful Medicine

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

Long Covid Pathogen Reactivation: Testing and Therapeutic Options – Follow Up Q&As

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

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Long Covid Pathogen Reactivation: Testing and Therapeutic Options

Dr. David Grimes

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Vitamin D: Evolution and Understanding

Gilian Crowther MA

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IgG Food Hypersensitivity and the ImuPro Dietary Concept

Breathe Easy: Maximizing the Benefits of Oxygen for Better Health and Wellness

Julia Behrens

LOST IN LYME: The Therapeutic Use of Plants in Supporting People with Lyme Disease

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

Overview on the Occurrence of Lyme and Coinfections over the Pandemic

Prof. Robert Bransfield

The Convergence of Two Pandemics: Lyme Disease and COVID-19

Scientific Evidence to Support the Use of Phytochemicals for Lyme Borreliosis

Prof. Craig Shimasaki

The Rise in Other Infections Post-COVID and our Immune Response: What impact can these have on an increase in autoimmune encephalitis?

Toxiplex – A direct mycotoxin detection assay for human serum/plasma

Prof. Brigitte Koening

PDF of slide presentation

Advanced Mitochondrial Testing and Potential Therapies

Long COVID from a Clinical Perspective


Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

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The Growing Evidence Between Infections and Cancer (Part 2)

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

PDF of slide presentation

The Growing Evidence Between Infections and Cancer (Part 1)

The Potential Connection of Borrelia Infection and Breast Cancer

Dr Craig Shimasaki

Can Infections Really Trigger Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders?

Dr Sarah Myhill


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Mitochondria Dysfunction and Chronic Disease

Gilian Crowther MA

PDF of slide presentation

Mitochondrial Magic – Tips for improving mitochondrial health

Prof. Brigitte Konig

PDF of slide presentation

Mitochondrial Testing Explained

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

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SARS COV 2 Viruses and coinfections

Dr. Sarah Myhill

PDF of slide presentation

Treatments for Long-COVID

Long COVID: A Post-Infectious Autoimmune Syndrome, Understanding Commonalities and Biological Clues from Other Post-Infectious Autoimmune Syndromes

Chronic Lyme Disease and Chronic COVID-19

“Fixing the Bite”: Diagnosing and treating dental occlusal disorders

Dr. Iain Smith DC, CC, BCAO

See below for presentation

The Importance of diagnosis and staging in managing Craniocervical Syndromes (Part 2 – includes lengthy Q & A)

The Importance of diagnosis and staging in managing Craniocervical Syndromes

Prof. Francis Smith MD, FFRRCSI, FRCR, FRSC (Ed), FRCP (Ed), FFSEM

PDF Presentation Part 1PDF Presentation Part 2PDF Presentation Part 3

The Craniocervical Junction, Hypermobility and Upright MRI


Chris Woollams, M.A. Founder of CancerActive

Rebuilding the Microbiome: A Vital Approach in the Treatment of Cancer and Chronic Illness

Dr. Sam Yanuck

Therapies for Autoimmune Encephalopathies

Dr. Craig Shimasaki

The Links between Lyme Disease and Autoimmune Encephalopathy and Basal Ganglia Encephalitis (BGE)

Dr Katherina Pachmann

Prof. Dr. Katharina Pachmann

Apoptosis efficency of natural agents and an overview of therapy-relevant characteristics of circulating cancer cells


Chris Woollams MA (Oxon, Biochemistry)

The Benefits of Complementary and Integrative Medicine in the Field of Oncology

The Effect of Natural Therapies and CTC (Circulating Cancer Cells) Testing on Patients with Cancer

Dr. Joseph Jemsek

Questions and Answer Session: Lyme Borreliosis complex and COVID-19. How do they interact?

Dr. Sarah Myhill

Questions and Answer Session: Interconnections between M.E. and COVID, and effective therapies. Following on from the earlier webinar in this series

Dr. Robert Bransfield

Questions and answers following the earlier “Tale of Two Pandemics: Lyme Disease and COVID-19” webinar

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

SARS-CoV-2 Testing Part 2

Dr. Jodie Dashore

Interconnections between COVID-19, PANS/PANDAS and biotoxin illness

Dr. Robert C. Bransfield

PDF of presentation

A Tale of Two Pandemics Lyme Disease and COVID-19

Dr. Joseph Jemsek

Lyme Borreliosis Complex and COVID-19. How Do They Interact?

International Awareness Day Special 2020

Drs. Gilbert and Schwarzbach

SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Testing Part 2: Introducing the First Multiplex ELISA to Incorporate Three Immunoglobulins

Jenna Luche-Thayer

Jenna Luché-Thayer on What are the Human Rights Challenges Around COVID-19

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach on his research and approach to COVID-19 testing

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

PDF presentation of the Webinar

Dr. Schwarzbach's presentation

The Association Between Hypercoagulation, MCAS, and Infections

Dr. Schwarzbach discusses the important and underrecognised links between infections and hypercoagulation (“sticky blood”), mast cell overreactivity (mast cell activation syndrome is one name for this – MCAS). Dr. Schwarzbach specialises in testing for tick-borne infections, but he will also be covering a wider range of pathogens, including viruses.

Dr. Katherina Pachmann

PDF presentation of the Webinar

Dr. Pachmann's presentation

Personalised Testing of Natural Substances in Order to Support Cancer Cell Apoptosis

Prof. Dr. Med. Katharina Pachmann discusses the methods that her laboratory uses, and their findings.

PROF. DR. MED. KATHARINA PACHMANN is the founder of the Maintrac system of identifying circulating cancer cells in a “liquid biopsy”, and runs the Maintrac laboratory in Bayreuth, Germany, together with Dr. Ulrich Pachmann and a staff of 45. As both a medical doctor and research scientist, she has been conducting studies in this field and refining related techniques for over two decades, and has authored over a hundred scientific publications on the technique (

She received her PhD from the Institute for Haematology at the Society for Radiological Research, Munich, and worked as the Head of the Department of Experimental Haematology and Oncology, Friedrich Schiller-University, Jena, for many years. She is a visiting scientist at the University Clinic, Graz, Austria, and has also served in the same capacity at MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston Texas Section of Molecular Hematology and Therapy.

Dr. Craig D. Shimasaki

PDF presentation of the Webinar

Dr. Shimasaki's presentation

PANDAS/PANS and Other Infection-Triggered Autoimmune Encephalopathies: Interpretation of the Cunningham Panel Results

Dr. Craig D. Shimasaki, PhD, MBA is President & CEO Moleculera Labs, Inc.

PANS and PANDAS are infection-induced autoimmune conditions that disrupt a patient’s normal neurologic functioning. PANS and PANDAS can include a variety of symptoms, such as OCD, motor tics, anxiety, irritability, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, mood swings, depression, hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating, behavioural regression and urinary problems. This condition can exist in adults too, not just children.

This is the second of three webinars on this topic. In the first webinar Dr. Shimasaki explains the background to the Cunningham Panel and indications for its use. To view the first webinar see below or follow this link

In this second webinar Dr. Shimasaki will focus on how to interpret the findings, including new study results that substantiate correlations between results and patient symptoms/outcomes.

Moleculera Labs is the only lab in the world to test for autoimmune activity against neuronal targets in the brain that is used by clinics/practitioners across the world to identify encephalitic-type activity called “PANS/PANDAS” in children, and autoimmune encephalopathy in adults. It is characterised by many symptoms that are often considered psychiatric and not given any further biomedical exploration.

Dr. Craig D. Shimasaki

PDF presentation of the webinar

Dr. Shimasaki's presentation


Dr. Craig D. Shimasaki, PhD, MBA is President & CEO Moleculera Labs, Inc.

Moleculera Labs is the only lab in the world to test for autoimmune activity against neuronal targets in the brain that is used by clinics/practitioners across the world to identify encephalitic-type activity called “PANS/PANDAS” in children, and autoimmune encephalopathy in adults. It is characterised by many symptoms that are often considered psychiatric and not given any further biomedical exploration. He will explain the use of the Cunningham Panel, how to interpret the results, and its application in therapy. This will be the first of three webinars on this topic

Dr Shimisaki is a scientist with over 33 years of clinical diagnostic and therapeutic R&D experience, starting his career at Genentech. During his tenure he has been involved in the research, development and clinical testing of neuropsychiatric drugs and diagnostics, genetic testing for predisposition to non-familial breast cancer, a gp-120 HIV vaccine, and influenza and RSV diagnostics and therapeutics. He co-founded Moleculera Labs with Dr. Madeleine Cunningham, an autoimmune neurobiology clinical laboratory based upon her 20+ years of research on infection-triggered autoimmune disorders.

His focus has been to translate basic research discoveries into acutely needed medical products for patients who need them. He has led five clinical diagnostic tests through FDA approval process and is a co-inventor on several medical and diagnostic patents. Dr. Shimasaki is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Oklahoma. He has authored and edited two books “The Business of Bioscience: What Goes Into Making a Biotechnology Product” and “Biotechnology Entrepreneurship: Starting, Managing and Leading Biotech Companies.” He received his BS in Biochemistry from University of California at Davis, his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Tulsa, and his MBA from Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Business.

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

PDF presentation of the webinar

pdf of the presentation slides


Dr. Schwarzbach is Founder and Medical Director at ArminLabs, Augsburg, Germany.

He presented evidence of the different bacterial and viral infections that can lead to syndromes that are often labelled unexplained or psychiatric in nature, and gave insights from his three decades of experience in this field. He explains algorithims for deciding which to test for, and also answered a number of questions in a live Q&A.
Please see for background information on this lab and its tests.

As a Medical Doctor and specialist in laboratory medicine with three decades of experience in clinical medicine and laboratory testing, Dr. Schwarzbach specialises in laboratory medicine in infectiology, microbiology, immunology, hematology, clinical chemistry, endocrinology and gynecological endocrinology.

presentation can be seen at the link below

PDF Presentation


Professor Dr. med. Katharina Pachmann is the founder of the Maintrac system of identifying circulating cancer cells in a “liquid biopsy”, and runs the Maintrac laboratory in Bayreuth, Germany, together with Dr. Ulrich Pachmann and a staff of 45.

Professor Katharina Pachmann explained how the Maintrac test in Germany tests for circulating cancer cells, the circumstances within which it may be appropriate to use it, and how it tests for the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic as well as natural agents. Please see

As both a medical doctor and research scientist, she has been conducting studies in this field and refining related techniques for over two decades, and has authored over a hundred scientific publications on the technique (

She received her PhD from the Institute for Haematology at the Society for Radiological Research, Munich, and worked as the Head of the Department of Experimental Haematology and Oncology, Friedrich Schiller-University, Jena, for many years. She is a visiting scientist at the University Clinic, Graz, Austria, and has also served in the same capacity at MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston Texas Section of Molecular Hematology and Therapy.